Wednesday, September 15, 2004

So I don't think it worked......

Yes, the letter was delivered yesterday, however, I don't think that it was received. Seems that our neighbor (who might not be the original tenant, more on that later) never checks his mail. It was all I could to gingerly place the letter in his box without looking too suspicious or having it be all crumpled because I hastily stuffed it in the box. Unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to "check" the mail because he had gotten home by the next time I went outside. We've got rather observant (read: nosy) neighbors and I didn't want to cause any kind of stir by poking around in a mailbox that wasn't mine. For the record, I placed the letter in and left everything else alone. I guess when I get home tonight I can "check" the mail again.

So the quick story about the neighbor. When we moved in, the guy that lived there had a small four door and listened to his music at a respectable level. A couple of weeks later, the sedan is seen only occassionally and now there is a big SUV there all the time. And this guy likes to feel the music through his furniture I guess, I have no idea. I am forming the idea that it is a cultural thing and it could be a potential research topic later on. Not sure what the whole story is with this guy but we've had important letters misdelivered to our box that give the appearance that people are looking for the guy. Who knows? My complaint is the noise, that's it.

On a completely seperate note, I got my medical records back today because I was consulting and needed a copy. Well little did I know that the files kept by this doctor's office liked to embellish the truth. Needless to say I was outraged. All I can do is get an appointment with the physician who runs the practice and bring it to her attention. At this point I am so skeptical about the whole situation, I am not sure what to do. I am reluctant to go back but I am not in the mood to find a new doctor. I guess I am going to have to schedule a day of torture where I go to the doctor and the dentist in the same day. Yee hah. Let me tell you my excitement is really revving right now.

And to top this all off I am fielding phone calls and questions left and right about whether or not we've got tomorrow off because of Ivan. Here's the deal. I work for "the man" and they don't even know what is going on. Brilliance I tell you, brilliance.


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