Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Letter to neighbor

See I can be nice, I just need to get my point across at the same time, lol.

Dear neighbor,

It has come to our attention that at times the music you play can be rather loud in our house. After several months of trying to be accommodating, we’ve come to the point where we need to mention it to you and the homeowner’s association if necessary.

First off, please understand that we do not have a problem with music when it is played at a respectable level and during reasonable hours of the day. There have been times that no matter what room we go into in our house we can still hear the music. We’re open to compromising with this endeavor in whatever ways we can.

Our suggestion is that on weeknights the latest music can be played is midnight. I have an early morning job that requires me to go to bed early every night. On weekends we are more lenient with 2am being a good time to stop. Weekend days can get a little intense with long periods of the same, or what sounds to be the same, song played in repetition. Perhaps something different may be played or breaks can be taken to incorporate variety. I am not suggesting a radical change but I also do not feel as if I should have to leave my home just to escape the music. Above all we want to be reasonable about this situation and not infringe on anyone.

Thank you for taking the time to address this with us. We’ve enjoyed being your neighbor and continue to do so.


Blogger Unknown said...

Your nicer than me. My upstairs neighbor was blasting Techno at 12:30 last night and since they have NO FURNITURE it was pretty loud. I got dressed and banged on the door and told them to turn in done. The woman looked freaked out. No time for niceties after midnight.

September 14, 2004 10:41 PM  

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