Saturday, September 25, 2004

A Few Changes

So if you will notice, there have been a few changes made to the blog since the last time you visited. Colors have been tweaked, friend linkage has been added, hot sites have been added and that is just the beginning. I like to think that I can get my web monkey practice in by enhancing my site.

To be real honest, I have a true sense of satisfaction that my sidebar additions actually worked. The last web site I worked on was assisted by web tools that expedited the page writing process. Today's work was going back to those archived memory folders, dusting them off, throwing them on the floor, totally altering the contents and making some semblance out of them, the result of which can be seen here. A small feat for some, a large accomplishment in my book.

I have to say that today is going to be a calm sort of day. Home football mania has struck this hamlet that wishes it was a metropolis thereby exponentially magnifying the inherrent stupidity of the everyday person. Well I guess in some small consolation, there is only one home football game today. Bad news is that it is a family feud match-up. How does this all translate? I'm going to be staying on my side of town today, the closer edge to Georgia than the manic painting of garnet and gold in the streets.

Next week looks to be even worse as the
university that runs this town is having parents weekend and a big conference game while the university that should get more credit for their contributions is also having a home football extravaganza. Lucky us, the football gods have scheduled each game within three hours of each other, effectively shutting down the city for THE ENTIRE day. Please, a moment of silence while we take in this great ........... ok, moment over.

One day this place will decide whether or not they want to be a college town, the state capital, a small southern town, or a truck stop on I-10. Until then, our days here are limited. The countown is in motion for our move to the central part of the state. Updates of course along the way but for the time being we're still planning.

All in all today's story is keep watching for updates and tweaks. Leave comments and I'll get to them!


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