Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Quick Week in Review

It was a total blast to have the one, the only, J.Weston crashing at our place over the weekend. We were totally on the go with this kid and I hope he left well fed and happy with a good time had by all. He did get to see my wacky halloween get up so if you want to see pics, you've got to ask me nicely via email. Also, if you would like to hear tales of my cooking prowess please feel free to ask the afore mentioned J.Weston or ZipperSeven to get a full run down of the food I laid out.

But before the horseshoe's arrival in Tallahassee we had a nice dinner with Z7's parents who gave us some much needed advice. I am sure we'll hear some of the same parental goodness when we visit my parents next weekend. All in all they had some constructive things to say. Which in all honesty, we've heard before but needed to be told again so it sinks in. I hope this gets some career shaking moves started in the right direction for both of us.

I know this is skipping around a bit but I've got to keep some narrative flow to this, lol. So yesterday was torture Raven at the doctor day. Dentist in the am and GP in the pm. Yeah I threw in getting my hair cut in the middle but I needed something mildly rewarding between those two things. The dentist had pretty good news for me and the next step is (ugh) wisdom teeth in 16 days. Send your regards ;) Hair looks good since I dont know when I started miracle gro on my locks. It had only been 2 months at the most and my hair was totally unruly. I am hoping this latest cut will last me at least until the start of the new year. And the dr's appt in the pm had good news for me as well...believe it or not I've lost weight. Yeah, I was shocked too. So onward and upward I suppose is how the saying goes.

Most likely this will not entertain any of my normal readers. Eh, you win some and you lose some. I was just jazzed about the good news and needed to keep some of it for posterity.


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