Friday, September 09, 2005

Who could forget Mr. Bill?

Speaking for the first time from the Senate floor, Sen Landrieu started her account of the devastation in the Crescent city. So I guess she forgot about her interview with Anderson Cooper where she couldn't be bothered with giving straight answers. It really all does come down to what kind of dog and pony show you can put on while on the floor. Sure this USA Today article gives me some hope that there is human under that political skin. But based on her pedigree I might be a little off. Then again you've got to see there are clear differences in the reigning family dynasty between this one and this one. So who really knows?

I've got to hand it to her though, she did cite the best PSA announcer, Mr. Bill, as being more informed than Boosh. That got a hearty laugh out of me.


Blogger Unknown said...

Oh no Mr. bill. I always did like him. Hell I forgot what you post was really about.

September 11, 2005 12:36 AM  

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