Friday, February 18, 2005

So glad it is Friday!

Sure the fun doesn't end because it's Friday, no no. It just means that I have two days of respite from the wahoos I work with. Small consolation really but I need those 48 hours of peace. They've really done a number on me this week. And truth be told it hasn't even been the whole week, it really just pinnacled yesterday afternoon.

We've got a big meeting on Tuesday and with the punctuality of those I work with I know I'll have to work late on Monday. Well my boss announced as I was leaving last night to expect to work late. Well big duh there honey. So I told her that I had already planned on it and I do not want to be waiting until ten minutes to never to get things. I swear, the people who get off on their title or their status. It's government work people, wake up! We're all peons. Let's top it off by sending me an email last night (I read it this morning) that asked me a dumbass question about making a link to a website that theoretically everyone here is supposed to know how to use. Essentially the email asked me that once I publish a document to send a link to the location. Well for you guys, imagine that someone sent you an email to ask for a link back to their inbox. And I think the really sad part is that they have a full time training staff up here that has classes that are mandatory to get you initiated into the system. Blows my mind. Seriously people.

Then my beef with my coworker. In order from top to bottom: there's the boss, the coworker, then me (assistant). Somehow that works to be some great echelon of dumpage where everything falls on me. I am ok with that, really. But my coworker likes to come to my cubicle and stand right next to where I sit or bash my plants (I have several green leafy things to keep me company on those late nights or just really boring days) or plop her stuff down on my desk as if she's taking up residency. I don't get it. She's a lingerer too. Has a way of speaking that isn't quite a drawl but s p a c e s e v e r y w o r d o u t as if to get attention to her young cat lady life or to call attention to her. I just have no clue. But I digress.

I am totally looking forward to the weekend. Even though I am broke right now because now the bf and I get paid once a month and the bf got his last check from the office mega super store of doom back the first week of February and the vacation check hadn't hit yet, we're patiently waiting until the 28th when pay day comes. Who cares? We'll make the best of it anyway. Let me know that you guys do read this once and a while by leaving a comment!


Blogger LadyBug said...

Hi Raven! Yes, I do read your posts! I'm sorry about your work. I know that sometimes work can be really frustrating especially because nobody wants to ever do any work and would rather hand the crap jobs down to someone else. Oh and of course no one ever wants to take the blame for anything either. Hang in there! Living for the weekends isn't a bad thing!

Just make sure you have some fun this weekend! :)

February 18, 2005 11:25 AM  

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