Thursday, December 30, 2004


Hey everyone, just wanted to check in from my work sabbatical. Been crazy busy and am still looking for that time off. Seems that this vacation has turned me into an errand runner of sorts. A job that I enjoy but not as relaxing as it should be. Just finished up another book and posted my review. Looking forward to getting a little tipsy at the bf's parents house tomorrow night as the week long family adventure continues. I never really realized how much I took for granted the whole living on my own thing until you get lined up with family stuff for a whole week. Then you really realize how much on your own you are when you get back home, lol. I hope everyone is having a safe and relaxing holiday. I am so glad not to be at work I can't even explain it. Yes my evil boss has called but I am not going to let it bother me. I've already got my New Year's resolution in hand: leave work at work. I am really going to try and keep this one. I promise! Leave me a note to say you're still alive too, until then take it easy!


Blogger Unknown said...

Great resolution.

Happy new year

January 02, 2005 7:14 PM  

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