I am sure you expected some tome about the holiday season. Well I hate to disappoint but this is my little rantage about stress at work. Living in the hurricane proving grounds otherwise known as Florida, things have been a bit hectic for us especially for governments around the state. I work for the man and now that elections are over and our Legislature is set, things are full throttle here in the state capital. That being said, if someone could tell me where November went I'd really like to know.....
Seriously though it's been spastic city around here, I've definitely missed my angsty rantage. I'm going to have to keep it to a minimum though, too many people at this place called work like to sneak up behind me and be all nosy about what I am doing. I really hate that. I mean everyone else gets an office but the person who does the most work (you guessed it, the admin asst) is stuck out to pasture with a half cubicle. Oh well. I could be working three different part time jobs to make ends meet or be jobless. I am starting my resolutions early and one of them is to complain less. We'll see how long that lasts.
But for all of the faithful out there here is my caveat regarding bloggage: my busy season started two months early. I'll be back and forth like you wouldn't believe until May-ish. So expect some wacky rantings or peculiar entries. But if it were anything else, you know you would be disappointed.
Updates: Check the sidebar for my latest html coding prowess. Yep, I've added the books I am reading category with a pretty picture and linkage. I figured why not. I might even add linkage to the books I've already read as suggestions to others. Not sure how that will work since I am sure you'd rather have my take on it rather than the generic web site I link to. We'll see. This book quest is not merely to encourage my favorite pastime. I have to give ultimate credit to a fellow friend and blogger who asked me how to do it and I really made sure I learned and experimented on my own page before I sent the coding to her. I'm just a swell kind of kid like that.
I'd write more but the boss finally decided to grace us with their presence so I've got to cut down on the window juggling. I will attempt to be more vigilant in the future. If you're reading this, leave me a comment so I don't think that I am writing this to myself. Goofy or not, I just like to know if there are others benefiting from my fantastic verbal vistas.