Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Going for the low blow

More often than not, good ideas are shelved for those "ideas" that seem to convey the point better by using the easy button. Case in point: deciding which story to make the cover for a nationally published magazine. Do you use the revival of Mardi Gras in devastated, but rebuilding New Orleans or hit another cheap shot at the wahoos in office? While I am all for poking fun at the wahoos, I totally disagree with the New Yorker decision. Sure, there were a lot of problems in New Orleans leading up to and after Katrina but let's really focus on what is important. What is important is that people with money will continue their fun and games while those trying to rebuild their lives after Mother Nature decided she wanted to mix things up a bit still want to carry on tradition. It's a mad mad world and we're all here for the entertainment.


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