It's true, I do love poking the proverbial stick at our C-in-C but this time I have pointed my prod elsewhere. Now I am shaking the muah hah hah hah hah stick at none other than The Donald. I kid you not, I did not think the man wore clothing other than suits and ties. Ok, there was this one time I saw him in a polo shirt but in bibbers?!? For all of you kids out there bibbers are also known better as overalls. We all wore them when we were kids. I could even dig up a pic of yours truly in specially *monogrammed* oshkoshbigoshes but that would take some work of minions in my archive department. Oh but I digress, I think Megan Mullally could slip into the Lisa Douglas role in a snap.
The Donald is a site up close. The man oozes charisma, bt the hand is mesmorizing.
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