Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Save Top Gear!!

I've come to the realization that due to my lack of constant updating, not a lot of people read this anymore. In spite of that, I've got to include this link to Save Top Gear. Those finicky Brits want to cancel the show due to an accident sustained by one of their hosts. But as a consumate car lover and host of the show, Jeremy Clarkson defends the program and challenges the BBC to keep it on the air.

Take a minute, sign the petition and champion free speech. Even if it is for those chaps across the pond.

Friday, September 15, 2006

What's enough water?

Take a sec to check out this great post about the benefits of drinking water. Part of my summer rejuvenation project has included drinking half of my body weight in ounces of water. Sure it sounds scary but once you get into the swing of things, you'll be amazed how much better you feel. Yes, I still drink other beverages but knowing how much water you're supposed to drink and achieving that goal is half the battle.

Listening to: May this be love by Jimi Hendrix

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sensible Eating and other ramblings

Here's a call to all of the healthy/vegetarian eaters out there who happen to read this from time to time. I am still on the healthy kick (yay me!) and am trying to delve into the world of Boca Burgers and other meatless but meat-themed products. I've tried the Publix Greenwise and it is pretty good and there is a pack of boca's in my freezer. What would you guys suggest I try next?

I guess I want to try tofu but am totally lost in where to start. Email me or leave comments if you'd like to give me a primer.

And this is a great emag that I've recently come across: Sirens

Ooh my pretty gadget!

So I've gotta say I'm loving my new shiny electronic toy. No, no not that kind of toy but a Sansa e260 that I was able to get for dirt cheap thanks to a savvy bargain hunter (Z7) and a good friend of this blog (JW). Finally, after my laziness and apathy, I got it hooked up so I can rock out at work. Perfect timing too since it's getting busy and my office is scheduled for computer reinvestment on Monday. (slaps forehead, great timing Raven)

Anyway...so you ask why Sansa and not iPod? Well, it came down to two factors a) fundage and b) storage space. Quite frankly the Sansa was more bang for the buck. I (heart) apple and all but I cant afford their bling. I know my brother has an iPod and loves it but he also conned my dad into tagging it on his order with a reasonable repayment schedule. Not so lucky 400 odd miles away.

My inspiration for this post comes after an especially mentally tiring day. The only way I survived was through the power of meditiation and music. Call it mesmorized by the shininess or something like that.

Track playing now: Thelonius Monk, Bye-Ya