5 simple pleasures
I got tagged by amy to do this a while back when I was swamped at work so I decided to jump on it now while I have some time.
Name 5 simple pleasures that you like most, then pick 5 people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not to use things that someone else has already used.
1. I may not be super fond of the city that I currently reside but there are those small things that make me remember that there are thousands of worse places to be than in the Sunshine state's capital city. Here I include two pictures of springtime here...
First is an artist's rendition of a park not too far from my house that is absolutely gorgeous...

the place I work is lined with dogwoods and it is the only good thing about going there during my busiest time of year.

2. Waking up to an easy day where the rain is dancing across the pavement and I can take the time to marvel at the wonder of nature and snuggle with my honey for the day ;)

3. Going to sleep after a productive day in fresh sheets where you can still smell the laundry detergent (for me it's Tide Coldwater, I only use it on my linens for something different).

4. Enjoying the way my little house smells after having one of these candles going all day.

5. Knowing that the orchid I've been minding and hoping and praying and slaving over actually blossomed for me...

As for the five people here it goes: Jax Peach, Caffeinated Raptor, Lisa, Lucky, and Ash
Name 5 simple pleasures that you like most, then pick 5 people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not to use things that someone else has already used.
1. I may not be super fond of the city that I currently reside but there are those small things that make me remember that there are thousands of worse places to be than in the Sunshine state's capital city. Here I include two pictures of springtime here...
First is an artist's rendition of a park not too far from my house that is absolutely gorgeous...

the place I work is lined with dogwoods and it is the only good thing about going there during my busiest time of year.

2. Waking up to an easy day where the rain is dancing across the pavement and I can take the time to marvel at the wonder of nature and snuggle with my honey for the day ;)

3. Going to sleep after a productive day in fresh sheets where you can still smell the laundry detergent (for me it's Tide Coldwater, I only use it on my linens for something different).

4. Enjoying the way my little house smells after having one of these candles going all day.

5. Knowing that the orchid I've been minding and hoping and praying and slaving over actually blossomed for me...

As for the five people here it goes: Jax Peach, Caffeinated Raptor, Lisa, Lucky, and Ash