Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Hanging by a thread

Yep, that's me. How did I ever get into this mess? Oh yeah, bills. So long story short: stressed to the max, absence of a personal life, overactive anxiety complex, 200 hrs of comp time, family down south is rattled, bf's parents miss us, work - sleep - work - sleep is the neverending cycle and oh by the way did I mention that I about forgot to pay my bills on time. Well I suppose there is some good news to share that the Governor of our great state wants to give us a 3.6% raise. Pre tax that's about $800/year. Damn, something is better than nothing. And you better fucking believe that I am going to call the cards this summer when they finally "take care of me" for running two committees in the final stretch and being everyone's babysitter. Recognize that you don't fuck with the AA bitches. Yeah, I am a little hostile but it's good that I am working this out. Amazing I even had time for this. Had to go to a staff dinner tonight and got home too late to watch Gilmore Girls on DVR before bed. BF's rebuilding windows on the laptop so I am typing away here. Alas, it is getting late and I've got to make sure I make it to bed to roll around at least for a couple of hours before the blasted alarm goes off at 5. Comments are welcome, I promise not to smite you for leaving them.


Blogger LadyBug said...

I'm sure things will improve. I think it's just the season. Once summer comes, things will let up a bit.

I hope things are getting better for you! :)

May 15, 2005 10:48 AM  

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