Friday, October 21, 2005

Pardon the (work) Interruption

Well after a fun week of work activities, I am proud to report we're back to our regularly scheduled programming.

I'll start off with the not so shocking article published in USA Today about Americans being more rude now than they were 20 years ago. I hate to say it but this does not surprise me. Especially not surprising when people give me the evil eye because I say 'please' and 'thank you'. I am certain that I am in a crowd of a dying subsect of culture that actually uses manners on a daily basis. Though the reference is a bit trite, the sentiment is what it's all about. Adam in Blast from the Past reminds us that "Manners are a way of showing other people we care about them". Which I've got to say speaks volumes of truth. I am continuing on with my one woman campaign to reintroduce manners into society.

Now, moving on to the gem of the local paper here. None other than the Tallahassee Democrat. (When I am in work mode, I've got to scour papers each day for articles that are issue related) Tuesday proved to be a student paper themed day as they posted the truth about financial aid, football scores, and the current tift between the city and the university about condo housing. Sure, I could have linked the other stories but they didn't capture my intrest nearly as much as college kids talking to the reporters about the cool stuff they get to buy on borrowed money. Before I start my diatribe, I just want to make it clear that I understand credit cards are borrowed money. For some reason, school loans fall into a completely different category for me which ruffle my feathers...big time. I've seen abuses of the system where there are those who are truly in need and then those who think they need big things while going to school. My dorm mate in college and one of my apartment mates the first two years of college freely and happily doled out the cash for whatever it was their hearts desired. But I am digressing. I am glad that the students they interviewed thought that they were doing what was in their right by asking for more money, going on shopping sprees and then paying it off later. Great, fabulous. I kinda get the idea that it is the easy way out. I'm not saying students have to be dirt poor but $400 shoes (on their own) in college? I dont get it. I guess I knew that to have money, I needed to earn it. That's just the way I've been taught my whole life. I earned my scholarship that paid the big stuff and started paying the rest through a job I had. It was far from being a luxurious job but it paid my bills for the most part. Am I worse for the wear because I didnt take out loans and had to work? No, I dont think so. There was a point where I was in school full time (17 hrs/semester) and working full time (36-40 hrs/week) and I still came out with a double major in three years. I think the whole spoiled college kid thing came to a climax when some chickie in a sleek black Audi TT cut me off on my way home from work. Who in college can afford a $40k plus car? Thanks but no, I'll slum it in my humble townhouse, hand-me-down furniture, and my relatively cheap car.

Speaking of money, do the people from Desperate Housewives really need a cut of every purchase of an episode for the iPod video? My money (what little of it there is) says no. Read the article here. Now I am starting to wonder if I'll have to pay each time I DVR something just so the Hollyweird people get their cut. Now if I only made a quarter for every phone call I answered...

I was reading Hip Clicks over at USA Today and found that the kids over at How I Met Your Mother have blogs of their own. Take a look, it's pretty funny.

Ever wonder what a well stocked bar included? I know I did. Food Network has this nifty page set up for all of us dolts out there. I dont know if I'll ever get to the well stocked bar stage but I know a little Tiki Bar I can crash if need be.

Ok so the most groundbreaking and astonishing tid bit I have saved until the end. Sit down, because you're going to need to hold on to something when I tell you the news. Just remember, you heard it here first. ZipperSeven and I are ... wait for it ... wait for it ... going to get gussied up for halloween. Now I know you can hardly contain yourselves. I am the same way. This is such a momentous occassion I have even started plans for sewing a skirt. What I once thought was impossible, has suddenly become possible. I will post pics as soon as I can.


Blogger Unknown said...

So what you gonna be for halloweenie?

October 22, 2005 3:25 AM  

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