Friday, January 27, 2006

Pinch me

You know, for one to grow on. It's birthday time here. Yep, it is today. Not much going on really. Stuck at work but it is a quiet day so far. Since I dont usually make a big deal out of "me" type things, I am sure you're asking why I posted about it today. A lot of people who visit this blog of doom got upset last year when I didnt say it was my birthday. So for all of you out there who missed it last year, TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY.

Thanks for stopping by ;)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Attn: 'The CW'

Dear big multimillion dollar tv executives in charge of the new 'The CW' (and to all of you programming geeks associated with this budding network):

I am a rare viewer. I actually watch your programming and enjoy it. Especially great stuff like Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars. Perhaps there are several viewers like me out there but it's my time to request from you stuff I'd like to see.

KEEP VERONICA MARS!! It's a great show. The writing is supreme and acting top notch. Give Neptune a chance.

Please, please get Amy Sherman-Palladino and Daniel Palladino coffee or red vines or mallomars or whatever it is they need to get their creative writing juices flowing. Gilmore Girls is a great show but it's having a mediocre season. With the big, bad new shiny network, maybe you guys can get on top of this. Don't let the show flop on this note.

Seriously, do we really need America's Top Model? Or more episodes of Charmed? Let's get programming on here that kicks the other guys in the teeth like Arrested Development, Everybody Hates Chris, why not pick up Kitchen Confidential again.

But please, please no more American Idol crap in the hopes of luring younger viewers. It's just boring programming and most viewers are tired of it. I mean if you want to be really revolutionary, bring back shows canceled before their time from other networks like Eyes.

Good luck The CW, I hope for tv worth watching from you. Please dont disappoint.


Monday, January 23, 2006

New books

I've added new books to my "what I am reading now" list and that means I've also put a new review on Amazon.

I am also reading a lot about Scripps for work. It's a lot of watching and waiting really. I've watched it go from inception to approval to now and this will definitely be a tale to tell when it all works out.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


I feel as if I have been so neglectful to my virtual fan club. Let me just say it has been totally crazy at work. Sure, I know that the crazy time is gearing up but there is something to be said about it being already at full throttle right now. Yeah, those aren't the words I wanted to be typing now either as I am sure you all can imagine.

Other than the same old story, I wish I had something more thoughtful to write about. There is just so much going on and only so much that I can divulge on here that I've got to draw it out in bits and pieces. Unless something more earthshattering than what has already happened occurs, understand that the update deprivation of my usual first 5-6 months of the year has settled in. For now, I keep plugging away at the job that keeps the lights on in my house, the roof over my head, over priced gas in my car, food on my table, and clothes on my back.

What have you guys been up to?

Friday, January 06, 2006

What, me worry?

Dubbya has done it again. Who is he not paying enough to tell him that he looks goofy when he's photographed? I almost want to ask if he had to leave his buddy, Hopalong, on the plane for this photo op (thanks Robot Chicken). Oh how thankful I am that the fate of the nation rests in his outstretched hands.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Welcome to 2006

Happy New Year to everyone! Hope you guys are starting the new year off safe and without too much mischief...

Updates here: after journeying down to southern Florida, I was reminded how I am the best child my parents spawned and how easy it is for me to get a bug when I visit there. I am not that much worse for the wear except for the cough that sends anyone in a 10 feet radius running. Yeah, so pleasant.

The holidays have been good here at Mystique, Inc. Visits with family and friends have reminded us how fortunate we are to be surrounded by such good people. No, we havent won the lottery yet so those in question just tolerate us.

Right now I am working on a side project for a little company I know and if I dont get back to work, I'll be reduced again in galley slave status.

Leave me a note and tell me about your new year...